37 and not just my age (well almost)


So again I am a week late on posting but it was another crazy week around the Nethero household.  This week was the ICRC conference which is a crazy week for Amanda.  Also this year I was a speaker at the conference, which was pretty cool.  This was also another test of will power because they have a hospitality room with a…..wait for it……CANDY BAR!!!! Yes I said it a candy bar.  And there are only some of my favorites in there.  But I was good and stuck to the more healthy options.  

Here is my progress so far.  I am down 37 pounds since my journey began.  I now weigh 283 pounds and feel great.  I have consistently been losing about 1-3 pounds a week.  As long as I keep that up I will be happy.  I am starting to see some difference when I look in the mirror.  Slowly but surely is going to win the race.  

One question I get asked a lot is what am I doing?  When I tell them all I am doing is walking and counting calories they seem to have a hard time believing that is all I am doing.  Now I was never strong in math in school but it really is a simply math issue.  Calories in and Calories out.  Keep those in check and you will succeed.  That and having a great support system around you.  I have had such great support from my family, friends, coworkers, and the community here on this blog.  One thing that I never thought would happen from this blog was that my journey would be considered “inspirational” to others.  Apparently that has happened on a few occasions.  But seeing other peoples success only pushes me to work harder.  

My biggest physical challenge is coming up next weekend.  I am going to be doing another race with Track Shack.  This one is the Winter Park 10k which is by far the farthest distance I will have walked other than around my house.  But there is a twist to this one.  They have a challenge where you add 2 miles to it.  So were going for it!  I am a little nervous but cant wait to get back out there and get my first BLING as well. They also give you a free beer! I am really getting into this race thing and hope within the next year to take part in a 1/2 marathon!  I never thought I would say that. 


I got another interesting question the other day as well.  And the question was why am I trying to lose weight?  Well that is probably the most simple answer out there.  And the reason I am doing this is…….


Imagethese guys right here!

These guy are my reason for doing this.  I want to be healthier for them, I want to be a good example for them, I want to be around for them.  I don’t need any other reason then them.  The healthier I am the longer I am around for them.

Weigh in is tomorrow and I will try to get an update out as soon as possible.  I am also firing up the smoker tomorrow.  


Onward and Downward!



See Numbers Not Letters


So day two in the books finished with 549 calories to go of my daily allotment and didn’t feel like I had starved myself.  Also had a big first for the day as well.  I walked my first unofficial 5K today(my first official will be on Jan 25th for the Seasons 52 5.2K put on by Track Shack), I didn’t exactly set out to walk that far but I got in a groove.  Was about to go walk on the treadmill and Amanda suggested that I walk outside since it was nice.  Amanda mentioned that she thought it was about  3 miles down and back to a neighborhood not far from us.  Before I left I got some help from the kiddos stretching out.  They are two of my biggest cheerleaders and hopefully what I am doing sets a good example for them.





So I started out on my walk and on the way back I started hitting the wall.  Now I have heard of this when your walking or running and pretty much you feel like your legs are turning to jelly and you just want to be done.  Well since I was still a distance from home I had to keep going through the wall and once your on the other side it definitely gets better.  So as I walked I was hearing my distance being read out in my ear and I kept getting closer and closer to that 3.1 mark.  So I decided I was going for it.  AND I DID IT!  Only thing I realized after I was done was my shoes are badly in need of replacement.


So after I got done with my walk I decided that I needed to set some small goals to keep me motivated on the way.  So I set my first one.  “SEE NUMBERS NOT LETTERS”  and it doesn’t sound as crazy as it sounds.  You see the scale in our bathroom only goes up to 300 pounds and anything about that it will display “EE” on it.  So once I hit 300 pounds I will see numbers not letters.  I also started to think about some DO’s and DONT’s for my journey and where I am and where I want to go.  Here are a few.


  • I DO want to get into better shape
  • I DO want to want to be healthier
  • I DO want to set a good example for my children
  • I DO want to be here for my wife (who else is going to torment her like I do in public?)
  • I DO want to feel good about my appearance again


  • I DON’T want to have more chins that a person should
  • I DON’T want brushing my teeth to cause a ripple effect
  • I DON’T want to get winded tying my shoes
  • I DON’T want my feet to be a stranger any more

I want to also thank everyone I know and some folks I don’t for all the words of encouragement it is greatly appreciated.  Till next time.