The Fat Guy weekly check…Week of Firsts!


Well SFFG fans its your old pal the Fat Guy checking in once again.  So the first thing on the agenda this week is I lost 3 lbs and am down to 261 lbs (59 total loss) in 164 days.  I am over halfway to my goal!  But believe it or not that is not the biggest achievement for me this week.  No no no there were others that meant more to me.

Before i get into those accomplishments I would like to brag about my Father’s Day gift from Amanda and the kiddos, my Fitbit One.  I love this thing already and am so excited to have it.  I have wanted one of these for a while but always put getting it on the back burner.

So onto the accomplishments this week.

#1 – I was able to reach into my “I cant wear these anymore clothes” and pull out a pair of shorts and have them fit perfectly.  They were 44’s and were a little loose so I think I might be closer to a 42 by now which would be about a 4in loss.

#2 – As you may have seen I have been doing the C25K program to get into running my races vs just walking them.  Well I am on Week three and part of this week is that you run for 3 min straight.  I never in a million years would have thought I would be able to run for 3 minutes straight without stopping.  And I have done it multiple times and not quit once.  Now its not easy mind you but I do it.

#3 – In conjunction with number 2, I ran my fastest mile – 11:41.20 mile.  That is flying for me.  Now I don’t maintain that pace for any means but I did it for a mile at least.

#4 – This is probably my biggest accomplishment I went to Target and saw some of their running attire and bought myself a pair of running shorts.  What makes this an accomplishment is that I went out on a limb and bought XL shorts rather than XXL.  And they fit perfectly. I cant tell you how long it has been since I wore a size XL anything.  I was very happy.


Amanda and I have lots of races coming up and I look forward to each and every one of them.  As always I want to thank each and every one of you that sends me words of encouragement and check in on me.  I could never have done this without the support of my family and friends, and even complete strangers.  Thank you thank you thank you!

Until next time!


Onward and Downward!


The Fat Guy in review and weekly update


Good morning SFFG Fan’s. Well today marks 157 days on my journey to lose weight and be in better shape. I started this journey at 320 lbs and was doing little to no exercise. I am happy to report that as of this morning I am at 264lbs for a total weight loss of 56 lbs in 157 days.  I have lost about 17.5% of my weight since I started and dropped my BMI from 43.4 to 35.8.  Now with BMI I think that is a bunch of crap because on all the calculators that I have seen it says I should be about 188lbs to be a normal weight.  I am pretty sure that is way to skinny for me.  Well I still have a ways to go and will cross that bridge when I get there.

I still have not had a sip of soda and that is really the most impressive for me…


Yesterday Amanda and I began our Cool Summer Mornings 5K Series put together by Sommer Sports. It was a great run (except for the hills). This was also the first race that I ran/walked.


(photo courtesy of Sommer Sports)

I finished the race in a total time of 39:45 min (PR) and an average pace of 12:48 min/mile (PR).  It was definitely harder than just walking but it made it that much more rewarding.  Amanda was waiting for me at the finish line and got some shots of me running across my first finish line.


(Running down the Finishing Chute)


(Almost done!)

After the race I started to think about the running portion of my journey and looking back as to how far I have come since my first 5K back in January.  Here is a history of my official runs:

January 25th 2014 – Season’s 52 5.2K – Finishing time 48:13

March 15, 2014 – Winter Park Road Race (10K + 2 Miles) – Finishing time 1:36:45

April 19th, 2014 – Pig Run of Lake Nona 5K – Finishing time 41:24

June 7th, 2014 – Cool Summer Mornings 5K Series (#1) – Finishing time 39:45

So from Jan until now I have improved my time by 8:28, I don’t think thats bad.  An improvement is an improvement right?

My next race will be Race #2 in the series next month.  I have also signed up for a 15K and Half-Marathon in October….by far my greatest distances.

Thank you again for all the support you guys have provided me it is appreciated more than words can express.  Until next time

Onward and Downward!
