Weekly Update!


Well SFFG fans its that time of week again….Time for the weekly update.  On the weight front I am down to 266 pounds (1.5 lb. loss from last week) for a grand total weight loss of 54 pounds.  But for me that is not the biggest thing that has happened.  i started the C25K ( Couch to 5K) program so that I could transition from just walking to run/walking.  I probably could have picked a better time than the summer to do this but oh well it was time.  I went out yesterday for Week 1 Day 1, on this day you do  a 5 min warm up followed by 60 seconds of running and 90 seconds of walking for 20 minutes then a 5 min cool down for a grand total of 30 min.  


C25K Week 1 Day 1

Today i went out with Amanda since the kiddos were having a sleepover at Mimi and PawPaw’s house and I completed day 2 of the program.  Same format 60 sec of running and 90 sec of walking.  I went a little further because I at least wanted to get in a 5K distance.  Here are the results:


Almost broke 40:00 for a 5K.

On top of the progress from above a couple of other nice little PR’s were accomplished today:



Over all it was a good day and I am excited about the progress.  Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to all those currently serving or have served in our Nation’s Armed Forces and their families for their service and sacrifices for our Country.  


Onward and Downward!!!!!


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