Taking it to the next level


Well today was a big day for the Fat Guy!  Today I began the next phase of my fitness program and did my run / walk day.  I wont lie it was not easy but I did feel good afterwards like I accomplished something.  I went 2.32 miles in 31:21 and averaged a 13:31 min/mile.  Now that is not my fastest pace, that PR is still my 13:18 min/mile with the Pig Run of Lake Nona.  So an update as of today with tomorrow being the official weigh in I am down to 266 lbs which is a grand total loss of 54 lbs thus far.  I have about 40 lbs to go and then I will around the range that I want to stop at but I am still not sure on where that magic number is.  

I do want to thank everyone for their continued support and encouragement.  It has been a great motivator as well as pictures like this that I find randomly;


The picture on the left is from my brother in laws wedding back in 2006 and the picture on the right is from today after I saw the picture and then went looking for the same shirt.  Pardon the hippie attire.

Well until tomorrow with the official check in and other updates!  Have a great weekend!


Onward and Downward!


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