Rebound FAT GUY!


So today as everyone knows is weigh-in day.  Last week’s was not so good and I gained 1.5 lbs, this week on the other hand I am back in the game and weighed in at 267.5.  Thats a loss of 4.5 lbs so I am caught back up on my average of 2 lbs a week.  I am down 52.5 pounds overall and cruising right along.  I really buckled down this week and watched what I ate and got in a really nice training walk this morning even though it was humid as all get out.

Speaking of training walks today was the first time I used my brand new Garmin Forerunner 10 and I love it.  


It was a very nice walk today and as I was adding my activity I noticed something on my runkeeper page.  Since I began this journey in Jan I have walked 112 miles and burned 19,963 calories.  That is just crazy to me.  I also know I have caught the race/bling bug.  Amanda participated in a 5K yesterday and brought home a flyer for a 4 race series of 5K’s that seems awesome, we are thinking about signing up for the Track Shack Series which is 8 runs, and then we are doing the Lake Nona 13.1 in October.  Of course I will do the Pig Run again and who knows what else.  Man this running thing gets addicting and I think we are to the point where we will have to get out a calendar and make sure we can fit all of them in.

On a side note I am considering joining Total Fitness Boxing that is opening soon here in Clermont. If you are in the Clermont area they are having a pre-registration deal where the sign up fee is waved and you get a free pair of gloves and wraps (pretty cool deal).  I think it is time to add another dimension to my routine.  This would add the core and strength training that I need to get into.  

Well that is all for now have a great weekend everyone and especially all the Mommies out there HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!


Onward and Downward


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