I Lost Jill! And its a good thing!


So many of you might have seen a picture of Jillian and myself I posted on Facebook today.  Well here is a little more information if you didn’t see it or thought I had been drinking to much.  My daughter got on the scale today and weighed 43.5 pounds.  Yeah she’s a beast!  We this morning when I got on the scale I had lost 43.5 pounds.  That being said that is where the picture came from.



Jill approves of my weight loss…  Holding her I can not realize how I carried that much extra weight around with me just 90 days ago.  Its little moments like this when the hard work really pays off.  Now when I reach Aaron I will really be impressed.  That boy is a HOSS!  Have a great day folks!  


Onward and Downward!




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