Weekly Update w/ Pig Run recap


Happy Easter SFFG Fans!  So today was weigh in day and I dropped 1 pound and am now at 274 pounds with an overall weight loss of 46 pounds!  It might have only been a pound but it was a loss and that is all that matters.  This is not a sprint but a marathon…am I right?  Speaking of running metaphors yesterday was the Pig Run of Lake Nona 5k and the kiddos and I participated in the festivities.




Now I DONUT want you to worry I had fully trained for this race except for the donut eating part.  Yes I said DONUT eating part.  This was the 4th year of the Pig Run and it has grown leaps and bounds since it started.  I believe the first year they had 400 runners and this year there was about 1500 I believe.  As part of this race at the 1.7 mile marker you enter the….



In said pig pen you eat the number of donuts that you signed up for when you registered for the race.  The options were 0, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 12.  Yes a dozen donuts also affectionately referred to as the Hog Division.


(Photo courtesy of the Pig Run Facebook page)

 I went with the Turkey Bacon division and ate 1 donut in the spirit of the event.  Just entering the Pig Pen your eyes start to GLAZE over looking at all 3600 donuts consumed during the race.  Eating one and continuing the run was bad enough I can’t imagine eating more that that.  But it was a blast.

     Amanda did not participate in the race and enthusiastically took on the roll of cheering section with the kiddos.  Just before mile 1 I came around the corner and saw this..


My honey and Lil’ Oinkers waiting for me and cheering me on!  Such a great motivator.

Support is such a big thing in anything you do especially when what your doing is not easy.  Between Amanda and my family and friends like you guys reading this I have more support than I ever thought.  I even had some support on the course with my buddy Chris who was participating in the race as well.  He ate three donuts..more power to ya buddy.


This was before the race began

The course was great and circled around one of the neighborhoods in Lake Nona


(Photo courtesy of the Pig Run Facebook page)

I felt great during the run and even PR’d this race (the organizers said I obviously didn’t eat enough donuts).  I beat my previous best time by 3.32 minutes.  I was averaging about a 13.18 minute mile along the course.  One of Amanda’s friends, Chelsie, was running with some friends of hers and I caught up with them after the Pig Pen.  As I went past them all I heard was “Where did you come from?” and then they took off running leaving me in their wake.  Apparently getting passed by the SFFG is not a desirable thing because I was catching up to them again and I heard “Southern Fried Fat Guy! RUN!!!!”  and just like that poof they were gone.  I didn’t see them again until the finish line.

Remember that support I was talking about?  Well just before the final turn onto the home stretch of the race I was served up a double dose of support.  One coming from Amanda and the kids being right there cheering me on and Jillian yelling at me to go faster! And the second from my buddy Chris who had already finished and came back to see me finish and walked in with me.


I crossed the finish line in 41.24 which is such an improvement in just over 100 days.  Chris even mentioned as we were finishing that walking at my pace was almost harder than running.  I get into my zone and I just cruise.  I mean come on folks its all physics mass, force, momentum, something like that.  Once you get a body this big moving in one direction the forces of nature take over. 🙂


One of the best things about this race was the finisher medal, I mean its a pig eating a donut how AWESOME is that?

Image     Image

                                                                       (Photo courtesy of the Pig Run Facebook page)

The kiddos even got finisher medals with their Lil’Oinker race.  Its just like mine but the pig is orange.  Overall it was a great event and I am a Pig Runner for life!  Come on Southern Fried Fat Guy and Pig Run how is that not a match made in DONUT heaven.


Until next time SFFG fans!  Onward and Downward!


April 16th – Picture time and more!


So I know it is the 17th but I forgot to take my 16th of the month picture until today.  So here are the last four months of my journey.



Sometimes when you look at yourself in the mirror all the time it is hard to tell that your making progress.  But I look at these photos and I cant believe what has happened.  I still have a long way to go but I am still encouraged and energized to keep going.  As I was scrolling through Facebook tonight I say a picture posted on someone’s wall and it made perfect sense.



I couldn’t agree more.  I feel when your on a journey like this to change your habits, lifestyle, what ever you want to change you can be your own worst enemy.  You can sabotage yourself or a hundred other things.  But results will happen and it will be worth it.  Stay the course keep focused and you can succeed.  

This weekend I have another race I am going to participate it.  It’s called the Pig Run of Lake Nona.  It was a race that made me crack up and I knew I had to do it.


ImageI mean come on how could I not do a race with a pig as a mascot? It should be a good time. The kids are going to do the Lil Oinkers kid run after the 5K.  I will post pictures and such from the race after it is over.  

Till next time…..Onward and Downward!



I Lost Jill! And its a good thing!


So many of you might have seen a picture of Jillian and myself I posted on Facebook today.  Well here is a little more information if you didn’t see it or thought I had been drinking to much.  My daughter got on the scale today and weighed 43.5 pounds.  Yeah she’s a beast!  We this morning when I got on the scale I had lost 43.5 pounds.  That being said that is where the picture came from.



Jill approves of my weight loss…  Holding her I can not realize how I carried that much extra weight around with me just 90 days ago.  Its little moments like this when the hard work really pays off.  Now when I reach Aaron I will really be impressed.  That boy is a HOSS!  Have a great day folks!  


Onward and Downward!




I’mmmmmm Baaaccckkkk…. Not getting rid of me that easy!


Hello Fat Guy fans!  I know it has been a while since I have posted but that can be attributed to a crazy work schedule and going on vacation for a week.  But I am back and still on track.  So don’t worry I have not lost my motivation.  So on my last post I was at 280 pounds.  Then my biggest fear came—-VACATION!  Well only fear in a food related sense.  The family and I went to Tennessee for a week and had an amazing time!  And I am sorry I am not going to a place like that and not enjoy the local food.  I mean BBQ, Catfish, Dixie Stampede and of course the Pancake Pantry and Donut Friar!  So I went into the week with the plan on enjoying myself and worry about the consequences when I got back.  And the food was AMAZING!  Amanda wanted to go to this place called the Pancake Pantry since we got the visitor information in the mail.  It did not disappoint and we actually ate there three times.  Around the corner from there is a place called the Donut Friar,  I mean come on their logo is a fat guy with donuts, how can that not be a place for me?  Well this was my first donut since I started my journey and OH MY GOODNESS was it amazing!  They also have this cinnamon bread that is probably one of the best things around.  We bought one loaf for the week we were there and of course it didn’t last so we bought one for back at home.  In case you were curious it’s gone.  





How good does that look? So on the last day we had to stop one more time before leaving.  It was a sad day….



So needless to say we ate and ate and ate…But we did find some time to get some exercise in while we were there in the form of hiking.  Everyone had a great time and man do you burn some calories walking up those mountains.




Amanda had a great time as well 🙂



So the trip was over and we got back into town and the moment of truth was upon me.  How much had I gained?  NONE!!! I was ecstatic to have not gained or lost anything while I was away.  The one rule I didn’t break while up there was no soda.  I still have not had one in 93 days.  

Well it is Sunday and we all know what that means….Weigh in day!  Well I am happy to report that this morning I weighed 276.5 pounds.  I am currently down 43.5 pounds in 94 days.  I just need to get back into my walking routine and get ready for my next race coming up in a couple of weeks.  The Pig Run of Lake Nona!!!!!


I mean how awesome is that?

I have finally broken into the 270’s and moving on.  My next big reward for myself is when I break into the 250’s.  When that happens I am going to go back and do my second dive at Epcot’s Living Seas!  I have a comp dive waiting for me for helping them out with something and I am going to cash in when I reach the 250’s.  I promise not to go this long without posting but it has been a crazy last couple of weeks.  Thanks for hanging int here with me on this journey!  


Onward and Downward!
