Weekly Update!!!!


First off I would like to apologize for missing a week of posting but man was it a busy week.  Lots of hours, lots of victories, lots of miles (Amanda’s not mine :))

So here we go—  It has been 53 days since I have started this journey and here is the latest and greatest.

Current Weight – 286 lbs

Total Loss to Date – 34 lbs

Total inches lost – 2-3 ish (I went down one pant size from 46 to 44)

I am very happy with my progress so far and am extremely encouraged to keep working hard at it.  Don’t get me wrong there is nothing easy about this cravings, temptations, stress can all derail you but you have to stay the course.  The big thing is a lifestyle change.  Amanda made a great point tonight when she said we have been eating better for so long that even when you can drift back and eat something less healthy for you, you don’t want to.

This week at work we had the WDW Princess 1/2 Marathon and of course I had to work it.  Man did my eating get screwed up…Not so much what I ate but how I ate through the day.  When you start at 4am and are off at noon it throws off your schedule.  So even though I was under my calories I ate more at a time because I was essentially skipping certain meals.  

Speaking of the 1/2 Marathon Amanda ran it this weekend with her sister Cathy, niece Lorren, and her friend Michelle.  I could not be more inspired and proud of these ladies.  They ran the Glass Slipper challenge which is a 10K and 1/2 Marathon back to back on consecutive days.  And they crushed it!  Way to go Ladies!!!  


And as it always has I am inspired to keep running.  I am planning on doing at least another 5K soon and Amanda and I are talking about running the Trackshack 10K+2 race.  Which will be my biggest challenge to date.   I am looking forward to it.  

The journey continues, thank you again to all of you who have taken an interest in my journey.  You are a big factor in my success so far.  When the plateaus come… oh and they will come your support will get me through that.  Oh and on a side note while I was at the race this weekend someone came up to me and was like “Hey Southern Fried Fat Guy!” That was cool.   If that was you first off thanks for that and congrats on finishing your race you rock!.  And the volunteer behind me wanted to know why you called me a fat guy and I wasn’t offended LOL it was really funny.


Hope everyone has a great week and if your on your own journey keep it up your doing great!    

Onward and Downward!


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