Sunday Ru…errr Walk Day


So today was a first for a few things.  I got to break in my new shoes on the road and I did another 3.1 miles back to back.  I am definitely feeling better about the race this weekend with Amanda.  So after my 3.1 the kiddos had a lot of energy left to burn and really wanted to go for a bike ride around the neighborhood.  So after dinner we went around the neighborhood a couple times.  Another 1.59  miles for me today.  So this was also the farthest I have walked in one day.  But how could I resist these faces?


Another first today was I walked this afternoon with my good friend Chuck from work.  Chuck is on a journey of his own to lose some weight and I figured there is strength in numbers.  Today was his first day walking as well.  He was a real trooper and kept pushing through.  I even gave him an out around mile 2 to go back to the house but he wanted to power on and finished his first 3.1 miles.  I was very proud of Chuck and kept cheering him on through the whole walk.  He kept apologizing about slowing me down but I was going for distance not time and I was happy to be on the road with him supporting him.  I look forward to more weekends walking together.  I tried to convince him to sign up for the Seasons 52 5.2k but a 730 am start on a Saturday was not in his future.  I will give him this he doesn’t get off work until 11pm.

Well it was a great day now the wait for Saturday.


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