Temptations all around- Not because I can’t but because I didn’t want to.


One thing that I decided during this journey was that I was not going to say I CAN’T have something.  I have however CHOSEN not to partake of certain things.  I have not had a soda in two weeks, and believe it or not I have been pretty good with that.  However, there are some things that are a little harder to pass up.  

I give you peoples exhibit #1:

ImageDonuts or Doughnuts however you please (really this shouldn’t shock you), those little fluffy circles of goodness.  I LOVE donuts! So a couple of weeks ago after I dropped the kids off at Religious ED I decided that instead of going home and getting the dog all worked up only to leave a few minutes later, I stopped at Dunkin Donuts to have a coffee and just relax.  Yes I know I walked into the lions den of fluffy round chocolate goodness.  But I figured its better not to run from temptation but to meet it head on and workout that willpower/lifestyle change muscle.  So now every Tuesday I walk in there order my coffee and sit down to relax and soak everything in.  Plus it smells pretty good to.

Peoples exhibit #2:

Image Me encanta el queso I mean I really do.  Who wouldn’t?  I have recently had two encounters with this spicy little vixen.  One at Moe’s the other day while having lunch with some coworkers and then again tonight at Chuy’s while out with the family.  Now at Moe’s it was easier to resist all I had to do was tell the guy behind the counter that I would not like any with my meal.  Tonight on the other hand there it was less than a foot away right next to the basket of crispy tortilla chips.  And proudly I resisted.  Not because I couldn’t have it but because I didn’t want it.


And finally Peoples Exhibit #3:


I know I know how can one not love this twistee headed little bastard and all the low fat, low cal, delicious goodness that he holds inside?  Well its not the froze yogurt that is the problem its all his little friends that get you in trouble.  Mini Reese’s Pieces, Mini M&Ms, Chocolate Chips, Chocolate Covered Almonds, Sprinkles, and of course the Pièce de résistance  COOKIE DOUGH!. Tonight after battling Senor Queso the kiddos wanted to go to Menchies.  For once I was able to resist grabbing that bowl and filling it up.  Not because I couldn’t have it but because I didn’t want it.  

Now could I have had all of these things? Yes I most certainly could but I choose not to.  Now with that being said if I were to finish a half marathon you better believe I am celebrating with a big ol chocolate covered donut.  One thing I decided when I began this journey was I was going to do it my way.  No pills, no gimmicks, no fads, just hard work.  I don’t need this to happen over night, I just need it to happen.  Who knows maybe I will budget my calories one Tuesday and have that donut….Not because I can’t but because I want to.



3 thoughts on “Temptations all around- Not because I can’t but because I didn’t want to.

  1. And remember, its a choice and a lifestyle change that we have to do. One thing I learned from a fitness friend is to allow yourself a cheat day at least once or twice a month. That way you dont blow all your hard work. I went food shopping today and got 95% good food, fruits and veggies and such. I did how however get 1 bad treat. But when its gone, its gone.
    (((Hugs))) to you as you continue on your way to a healthier lifestyle. I’m right there with ya!

  2. Ugh- I know. These are the worst. For me it is mac and cheese. And it really doesn’t matter where it comes from. I LOVE MAC AND CHEESE. There are times when I justify having it, like training etc. But when it comes down to it I eat it anyway and say that I am going to run it off tomorrow. Not a proud moment. Especially if you do run it off tomorrow and that 1,500 cal. per 1/3 cup lobster mac and cheese sits in your fridge leftover from the night before. I really like your phrase, “I choose not to.” Those are powerful words. I need to take a tip here from you buddy. Good job and good luck next weekend!

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