Runners Runners Everywhere!


It has been a while since I posted last but I have a really good reason.  WORK! We had the Walt Disney World Marathon this weekend and I was surrounded by runners, and walkers(and not the walking dead kind), and one guy with a tuba.  There was a 5K, 10K, 1/2 Marathon, and the full Marathon 48.6 miles total.  Some of the people even ran all 4 races.  Seeing all those runners 80,000 roughly and all that bling kept me motivated.  I am happy to report that I was surrounded by both good for you and not so good for your snacks and I did very well staying away from the not so good snacks.  I even went the whole time without drinking a soda! That’s HUGE for me.  

So I am still doing well with my eating and have stayed under my calorie goals.  I am still seeing letters on my scale but in due time.  I will say I have been feeling better and have had more energy and that is promising.  I have not been as good about my exercising but it was a crazy work week and I walked a ton around for the races, I just don’t know how to capture that.  

On a bigger note I registered for my first official race the Seasons 52 5.2K!  I have three goals for that race 1: Start 2: Finish and 3: Don’t be last!  And there will be a surprise revealed for the race…..but you will have to wait to find out!



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