Becoming half the man I am today…..Or close to half


Many (and I mean many) years ago I was probably in the best shape of my life.  I was line dancing multiple times a week, hadn’t discovered the wonder that is alcohol and was too busy(or too poor I cant remember) to eat too much.  I weighed 175 pounds and had a 33 inch waist.  Handsome devil, wasn’t I?


Then things began to change, mostly my size.  I went off to Florida State University and discovered alcohol, didn’t line dance anymore (due to lack of venue) and life started to add stuff to my plate (so did I – I mean buffets were cheap to a college guy).  I definitely added the freshman 15, but I was a junior.  So graduation came and went, and back out into the real world I went.

As time went on I added a few pounds here and there, ok, everywhere.  I even added a few chins.  But I didn’t think much about it because I was a single guy and I was still young I would have time to get back into the gym and get back into shape.  Umm, not so much.  But I did luck out and found a BEAUTIFUL woman who wanted to marry me and I jumped all over that opportunity.  I had found love, and well she loved me for who I was, so getting back into shape got put off a little more.  It’s all good though, I still had time.

Fast forward to today, 2014, almost 8 years of marriage, 2 kids, and a career.  Oh, and did I mention I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life.  I’m around 315-320 pounds, (my scale at home doesn’t go up that high, but last time I was at the doctor I was around that) 46 inch waist, and 18 1/2 neck.  Far cry from 175 pounds and 33 inch waist.  So with some encouragement (strong encouragement) from my wife and the image I was looking at in the mirror every morning, I decided to get my butt in gear and do something about it.  Yes, I know its 4 days into the new year, but a butt this big takes some time to get into gear.


This is where the blog comes into play.  I wanted to have something that could hold me accountable to eating right, working out, and maybe pick up some extra cheerleaders on my road to half the man I am today.  I am simply going to keep track of my calorie intake, exercise more, and hopefully the pounds start coming off.  Time to get rid of my dun-lops disease, that and I miss my feet I would like to see them again one day.

So here goes…..Day one in the books!

11 thoughts on “Becoming half the man I am today…..Or close to half

  1. Hey scott, right there with ya! I remember those days,so long ago, very well. As I was in the low to mid 100s (in my 20s). We got this! Rootin’ for yas! I’m heading back to the gym Monday. 🙂

  2. Rooting for you! One of the things that I have found (other than about 20 lbs more) than when we were in highschool as well) is that your mindset need to change. Losing weight and keeping it off is a lifestyle change. Yes, I run. Yes, it helps, but I have to be conscious and aware of what I put in my body daily. ONe thing that helped both me and the hubs is the Fresh 20. Steve lost 24 lbs. and I lost 9 and that is since August. For what it is worth I hope to help in any way I can!

  3. Tanya

    You have all my support at work!!! I will find extra ways to keep you moving. After Marathon Hell week I think walking the parks is a good idea. A little training for Lauren and some exercise.

  4. Mikki

    Hey Scott!

    Just wanted to wish you luck! I know how hard it can be. I lost about 100 lbs in 2007-2008. Managed to keep most of it off, but still fluctuate 10-15 lbs from time to time. I needed something to keep me accountable so I did weight watchers online.. So I would know that when my points for the day were done, I was done. Only way I couldn’t trick my mind into believing one or two or three more snacks in the day would be ok. Ha. It’s such a mind game with me.

    I’ve put on some lbs over these holidays so I’ll be right there with you. I’m such a food addict.. Lifetime struggle.

    You can do it.. Hell, if I did it anyone can. Just take one day at a time and if you screw up one day don’t ruin the whole week, month, etc. Just do better the next day.

    Go Scott Go!!

  5. Julie Rocco

    I’m in your corner and can understand how easy it is to gain the weight … and not so easy to take it off but you have set yourselfl up for success this time around. Great things are built upon great foundations. Here’s to you and the road to your success.

  6. Rich Montiglio

    I was there for your last year at FSU, and I remember very fondly just how good those times were, and just how bad they were for us. I’m pulling hard for you brother. If I manage to lose enough weight myself, I may even try to squeeze into a cheerleader outfit, but, I digress. Good luck with the weight loss, buddy.

  7. Ann Nethero

    I am so proud of you for trying to lose this weight. It is a challenge but I am behind you all the way. You Can do this and will feel so much better.

  8. Chris Wrzesien

    This is so awesome.. keep strong tackle this head on and reach your goals.

    Whatever u need, look me up and iwill hhelp you..

    Good luck I will keep reading.

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